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Indonesia Pegunungan berjajar di atas bumiBerkabut putih mempesonaMatahari menampakkan tubuhnyaKicauan burung terdengar bagai melodiGemricik sungai membawa ketenanganHamparan sawah yang mulai menguningDeretan bunga menari saat angin datangSungguh indah desaku Petani mulai melakukan aktivitasMembawa cangkul dan capingMenuruni gunung dan pergi ke sawahTersenyum semangat saat melihat bumiDisitulah petani mengadu nasib Hamparan padi yang mulai menguningHarapan petani mulai terlihatSemakin…

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Tips And Tricks Learning During a Pandemic

Present By Literasi Digital dan Kemanusiaan Group C. Hi everybody!!! It’s feel good when we share happiness. We hope to always share goodness and hopefully you wll be kept away from the plague that is beating the world right now. On this occasion we would like to share tips and tricks to learn during the…

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Personal Story

Present By Literasi Digital dan Kemanusiaan Group C. Hi everybody!!! It’s feel good when we share happiness. We hope to always share goodness and hopefully you will be kept away from the plague that is beating the world right now. On this occasion we would like to share an article of positive activity and hope…

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Positive Content

Present by Literasi Digital dan Kemanusiaan Group C. Hi Guys!!! It’s feel good when we share kindness. I hope we are always given health wherever we are and kept away from the plague that is currently sweeping the world. On this occasion we will share a video containing positive content and hope that you enjoy…

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